Friday, February 25, 2011

Recruiting session!

Ok, we're going to have a recruiting session! Finally!

I'll have to organise the time and date with timegirl4468, my Head General. But, I'll tell you what to do:

The only thing you can say is

"Look up aaocp on Google! We are the fourth or fifth option! We're a Club Penguin army!"

You won't be able to say this all at once, say one sentence at a time. And yes, it sounds stupid but it's the only possible way. I've thought about it and tried it myself.


Okay, I haven't heard from Timegirl4468 yet. But, I've just realised that if you type in on Google aaocp in lower case it is the fith option. If you type it in in capitals it is the fourth option.

Click here for something awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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