Join now!

If you want to join this army, please just comment on this page.
All you have to do is answer these questions:

1. What is your Club Penguin username?

2. How old is your penguin?

3. Have you added this army to your favourites yet?

4. Do you promise to stay loyal?

5. What sort of rank do you want?

6. How did you find out about this army?

(Just copy and paste the questions onto the comment)

Have fun!


  1. 1. What is your Club Penguin username? Timegirl4468

    2. How old is your penguin? 859 days

    3. Have you added this army to your favourites yet? Yep!

    4. Do you promise to stay loyal? Yes... but the CPA comes first.

    5. What sort of rank do you want? As high as you got

    6. How did you find out about this army? Through YOU.

  2. 1. What is your Club Penguin username? Biokid0

    2. How old is your penguin? 1,384 days

    3. Have you added this army to your favourites yet? Aye :D

    4. Do you promise to stay loyal? Timegirl comes first. Then the CPA. Then this.
    5. What sort of rank do you want? Advisor?

    6. How did you find out about this army? Through Timegirl

  3. can we be allies?


  4. All comments up to here have been added.

  5. Ok Kristinkruex we can be allies! :)

  6. 1. Aquamaster
    2. 1,644 (I've been on CP for over 4 years!)
    3. Yes I have :D
    4. Of course! If I ever become a leader I will try my hardest to help you win battles!
    5. A leader of some sort :)
    6. I found out through your ad on the cp small/medium sized army website.

  7. All comments up to here have been added.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. . Ohmyman555
    2. 1452
    3. Yes
    4. Yes
    5. Field Marshal
    6. I found out through a weak army

  10. 1. mjbond
    2 116 days
    3 no how do u?
    4 yes
    5 sergent
    6 cp army wiki that u posted
    PLZ LET ME IN!!!!!1

  11. mjbond has been added to the ranks!

  12. What is your Club Penguin username? Coolpatriot

    2. How old is your penguin? 285

    3. Have you added this army to your favourites yet? yes

    4. Do you promise to stay loyal? yes

    5. What sort of rank do you want? IDK

    6. How did you find out about this army? I think it was Google or your freinds website or on someones website

  13. join by brand new army!

    Get the position of co leader today

    look up

    also i am looking for this army to be our allies remember you cant have an army with out your brothers backing you up!


Please don't swear or spam because then your comment won't be posted. No links please unless you have permission from the leader of this army.