Friday, February 25, 2011

Recruiting session!

Ok, we're going to have a recruiting session! Finally!

I'll have to organise the time and date with timegirl4468, my Head General. But, I'll tell you what to do:

The only thing you can say is

"Look up aaocp on Google! We are the fourth or fifth option! We're a Club Penguin army!"

You won't be able to say this all at once, say one sentence at a time. And yes, it sounds stupid but it's the only possible way. I've thought about it and tried it myself.


Okay, I haven't heard from Timegirl4468 yet. But, I've just realised that if you type in on Google aaocp in lower case it is the fith option. If you type it in in capitals it is the fourth option.

Click here for something awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Iceycold27 (acp leader) is on my buddy list!

Iceycold27 (acp leader and otherwise known as mchappy) is on my buddy list!

I promise, no edits! (Except for the property of smallpengi12 thing)

Iceycold27 is the leader of acp! We get on quite well because we're allies with acp!


Monday, February 21, 2011

What we could be and editing colours

Today, I watched acp before a battle.

See acp down the bottom? Well, if we tried, we could be like that. That is before the battle even started! See how I have made before into italic, bold and underlined it? That's how amazed I am. So, if people tried more and recruited we could be like that!

Editing colours.

When we want to say our opinion in a post, or do anything to a post. (No actual changing the whole post though.) We need editing colours.

My editing colour is Purple.

Timegirl4468's editing colour is Blue until she chooses to change it. Or she could keep it!

When we edit a post, we will do it in bold writing, put our names before it and do it in our colour.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

I am ashamed

I am very ashamed. Nobody turned up on chat today. I relied on you all to turn up. We could have made big changes to the army.
I'll let Timegirl4468 of because she told me that she might be able to make it, although she may be visiting her Mum in hospital.

There are four or five people in this army. I was expecting at least two to turn up. No one came. If that meeting had taken place, this army could have suddenly made a big improvement.

Please try harder next time.



I discovered that if you type in aaocp on Google, this website will be the fourth option!!!


Click to enlarge

Fantastic! That means we are getting more popular!!!


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Chat changed!

I have changed the chat and made it a group, in order to get us onto a cp army advertising blog.

It's awesome now!


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Big meeting details

Ok, here are the details you've all been waiting for:

Big meeting on chat:

Where: On chat
2:00pm GMT
6:00pm PST
7:00pm MST
9:00pm EST
10:00pm CST
5:00pm AKST
4:00pm HST

Why: To sort out battles, allies and enemies, uniform and getting more people.

Who can come: Anyone! That way, you will all be able to help decide some of the important things about this army.

It will be on chat, no logging onto Club Penguin whilst on chat.You know what can happen. When you are on chat, please don't spam, it ruines the meeting because then no one gets a chance to talk. :(
If you have any ideas, take note of them before hand, you can put them forward at the meeting!

If you can't make it, or have any problems, comment and I'll sort things out.



Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ok, big meeting soon!

Big meeting soon! I'll get the times to you all shortly. Sorry I can't post much. Please tell everyone about this army to get more people. When anyone asks you what armies you are in, mention the aaocp and tell them how to get here!


Sunday, February 6, 2011

No Ad-Space...

The only way to get Ad-Space on the best websites about CP is to pay Google to do it for you. I mean, there is always using AdSense (Google ad serving service) to gain money to use AdWords (Google ad-space service) but that wouldn't work right well... The best thing to do is to get on CP and recruit! So what are you waiting for?


Friday, February 4, 2011


If you are going to recruit, recruit on klondike. Wear the full inform please. We will have a big meeting soon, I'll update you all on the times shortly.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Today I'm going on the look out for some free ad-space, so we can post adverts (in appropriate places) for the AAOCP. That way we can entice penguins over here. Sound good?

IF you see any ad-space (we only want free, though) anywhere penguins are likely to go, TELL US! I'll go have a look!


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Poll closing soon

The poll on the side of the blog is closing soon.

It will close 15.2.11